How to Start a Small Vegetable Garden

Small Vegetable Garden Plans

Small Vegetable Garden Plans / From: User Submitted

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Starting a small vegetable garden in your own backyard can help you save money. That is not the only benefit of planting your own vegetables. Homegrown vegetables have far better flavor and texture than commercially grown ones that you can buy from grocery stores. It can also become a fun activity for the whole family. It just requires a little planning and learning to make this activity a success.

First and foremost, you need to decide what vegetables to plant in your small garden. Don’t get too excited when you are still starting out your backyard garden. Find out what vegetables are rare in your area. Plant more of these rather than the ones that are easily found in grocery stores. Whatever you choose, familiarize yourself on the requirements of the plants you are going to tend like the amount of sun, the kind of soil, and the fertilizer. Once you have planned the kind of vegetables you are going to have in your garden, you need to figure out the amount of space you need to make all these grow abundantly throughout the year. With the help of pots and containers, you can start a small vegetable garden. You just need to pick the perfect spot for your small garden. Remember that vegetables require at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight. You also need to water your vegetable plants regularly especially during dry spells. It is best to place your garden near a source of water. When watering, make sure to wet the soil and not the leaves. If you have a sprinkler, schedule it during the morning so that the leaves are already dry before nightfall. You will also need to start a compost system to use on your garden especially if the soil in your yard is not healthy enough for vegetable gardening. If there are deers, rabbits, and other animals in your area, you will need to put up fences to deter them. To prevent insects from damaging your produce, use row covers.

There is no right time to start a small vegetable garden. You can always do this any time of the year. There is no disadvantage to it as it helps you save money, gives you a worthwhile hobby, and keeps your family healthy. In case you don’t succeed on your first try, just remember that gardening is a learning process. The best thing to do is to enjoy this hobby and be happy with what your garden gives you.

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